Watching movies online for free sounds pretty good right?

These sites use torrenting services in order for you to show the movie. So the moment you watch the movie, you’re also a node in their network to send parts of the movie to other people.

When watching a movie on one of these sites, you’re downloading and uploading illegally obtained movies or series and breaking the copyright law.

While the odds of getting caught are very slim, its safer to use a VPN when using illegal streaming services.

Click here for a list of our top 5 VPN’s

Popular websites

At the time of writing, a few common websites were:

Tips when using free online movies services

Tip 1: Ads on these sites may be erotic, dating or pornographic. So it’s highly recommended to NOT use these sites to watch movies with your kids!

Tip 2: Watching movies on these sites is illegal in most countries as your breaking the copyright law. Hiding with a VPN is highly recommended!

Don’t take any risks, get a VPN!

View our list of top 5 VPN providers